Thursday, April 20, 2006

Knackered my back

Well, it seems I may have hurt my back playing badminton. It didn't start hurting until a few days after I played but its really been hurting since then. I spoke to my physio about an hour ago and she's told me that my MRI results have just been looked at by the consultant and there are a few options for me all revolving around various types of injections in my back. I've got an appointment to see her to discuss on May 3rd.

Deb has been to the quacks again and he thinks that she is improving but not quickly enough for his liking so he's doubled her dose of happy pills. Along as she gets better thats all that matters!

On a totally different note, I'm still top of Fantasy football! My tinkering at the weekend paid off quite well but the gap to second still isn't big enough for my liking.

Right, I'm off to pick up Deb's mates Krupa and Zorha cos they are coming for tea.

Listening to: The Breeders - Last Splash
Back: Frickin killing me