Sunday, January 08, 2006

We're getting a dog

I've known Deb since I was 17 which is to say 12 years. We've lived together since we were 21 and since this time she has wanted to get a dog. Well, I've finally given in because the pressure has been getting too great due to the fact that our mates Suf and Jen got their own house about a year ago and the first thing they did was get a dog.

Its not that I don't like dogs its the fact that I've never really wanted to have to look after one and also the fact that we have 2 budgies and I don't want them to have any less attention from us because we get a dog. However, I gave in the other day because Deb was under the impression that we'd get one in a few years when this changed or when we got a bigger house or when something else changed and that was never the case. My feelings on getting a dog were going to be the same no matter what size house we had or how much spare money we had etc and so I decided it wasn't fair to keep saying no but there are rules. Essentially the dog we get is going to be Deb's dog and she has to look after it etc and I will take it for most of its walks cos I go walking to help my back anyway.

So this was decided a few days ago and since then we've been trying to decide what type of dog to get and whether it should be from a rescue centre or from a breeder. We decided it would be better to get one from a rescue centre and that we wanted one that was between one and two years old and medium size. We found a whippet cross (what the cross is no one knows) yesterday and we are having a home check done tomorrow to make sure the house and garden are suitable. Fingers crossed we should get him next weekend. He's about one year old, underfed unfortunately and hasn't been micro chipped or had any vaccinations yet but he seems a really nice dog from what you can tell in a rescue centre environment.

Deb is really looking forward to getting him and I'm kind of not bothered but I bet after a few days of having him I'll be wondering why we never got one earlier ;-)

Right, time for lunch (bit late but never mind) and then I'm off to watch United against Burton Albion in the 3rd round of the FA cup.

Listening to: Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth
Back: Not too bad