Hopefully over the worst of it
We went to Marc's Dad's funeral on Friday and it went as well as can be expected. Deb did get upset as I suspected she would be she wasn't too bad.
I think that we are all starting to get over the worst of it about Deb's dad and are starting to move forward but silly little things set you off still. Sometimes you just forget that it has happened like when we were watching TV the other day and Deb said she'd have to tell her Dad about the program we were watching.
On the moving forward note, we were supposed to get a new carpet for the living room and stairs fitted weeks ago and we got it done the other day. It looks really good and today we are going to the dreaded Ikea (I'm on holiday this week) to see if we can find a few odds and sods to finish the living room off.
I've not got much planned for the week other than pottering round the house so I'm hoping it will be relaxing!
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