Friday, August 04, 2006

Still sooo busy

I am still soooo busy with work. Its really starting to get on my tits. Also, I had a massive argument with JS about moving our system to 3rd party hosting and he was going on about all this bullshit to do with planning meaning it would never get done. Now though the big boss man has stepped in and it making it get sorted which should make my life a bit easier.

I haven't had much time to start using my new phone properly yet (other than as a phone). As soon as I stop working 50-60 hour weeks I'm gonna sort it out.

I'm finishing early tonight cos United are on against Porto in the Amsterdam tournament. I'm going to go get a Chinese for me and Stu now, pick Stu up, get back here and then relax for the evening. I'll be back working tomorrow morning though :-(

Listening to: Nothing
Back: Sore after hydrotherapy this morning