New years resolutions etc
Well, we're 10 days into the new year and I've started the weight watchers points scheme in an effort to lose the stomach I've grwon over the past fews years since I've not been able to play sports anymore. Seems pretty sad saying I'm on weight watchers but I like the fact that I can eat whatever the hell I want as long as I stick within my points balance. I've been doing it since Sunday and its a real ballache at the moment having to calculate points for every meal but I figure it will be a breeze once I've got all my regular foods on there.
Another resolution is to sort out the office/playroom so that its not always such a mess. I'm gonna do this by using all the storage we have properly and try to keep on top of things like filing letters and paperwork when I get them. Unfortunatly I have about 3 months worth to sort out first :-(
Listening to: Q.O.T.S.A - Lullabies to Paralize
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