Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Deb and Daizy haven't been well

Deb has been signed off work for 2 weeks with stress which will be reviewed at the end of the 2 weeks to see if she needs more time off. She's been really down about work lately cos her boss and the girl she has to work closely with are both wankers and no matter how hard she tries to ignore it she can't stop it getting to her. She's not been sleeping well because of it which has really added to the problems. The doctor she's seeing seems like a good guy though which is one thing going in her favour. Deb's gonna look for a new job when she's feeling up to it, possibly just a part time one.

Also, Daizy hasn't been too good. We took her to the vets on Saturday morning cos she just wasn't herself. She was just sitting there falling asleep, would hardly eat anything and wouldn't have any water at all. To top it all off, she didn't even try to escape when I caught her first time to put her in the small cage to take her to the vets. The vet thought she had a respiritory problem and possibly a liver problem because the area round her shit is yellow and it should be clear. She gave her an injection of an antibiotic called Baytril and prescribed a weeks course of it. Daizy was perked up by the next day and looks back to her old self now except for the area round her shit is still yellow. We're keeping an eye on that and hopefully it will clear up after the antibiotics are out of her system.

At least United won the donkey cup!

Listening to: Hole - Live Through This
Back: So so