Saturday, February 11, 2006


I've been well busy this last week and as a result I'm knackered. I've had loads of meetings during the week, lots of annoying bugs left by an ex employee to fix in one of our systems and to top it all off I had to go to Slough and back yesterday for a 2 hour meeting. I set off at 6:30am and got back at 8:30pm. I laid on the couch to relax for a few minutes when I walked through the door and promptly fell asleep until Deb made me go to bed a few hours later.

I'm still tired this morning but I took the dog for a walk first thing anyway and I decided to run for a bit of it to see what he thought. Well, he really seemed to enjoy it and he's been kipping ever since we got home so I guess I knackered him out ;-)

Just doing some chores around the house today and then I'm gonna watch United against Portsmouth later this evening.

Listening to: Budgies and the fan on the laptop
Back: Sore after going to Slough yesterday