Sunday, January 22, 2006

Dogs are hard work but I got a 360

Damn its hard working owning a dog to start with. All our friends with dogs assure us that it gets easier but its so draining having to watch Koopa's every move and ignore him when he's bad and then train him and so on.

On the plus side, Deb agreed that seeing as she got a dog I could use our joint money to get an Xbox 360. So I did and damn is it cool! I've only had it a couple of days (hence no blogging ;-) and haven't hooked it up to the Internet yet to see what thats like but first impressions with the games I've got are that it is really good. I got Fifa, Project Gotham Racing and Kameo and the graphics are all shit hot in them but equally the gameplay is good as well.

Well, unfortunatly I'm not going to be playing on it for a few hours cos I have to translate part of our Content Delivery system into Spanish for a proposal that needs to be sent tomorrow. I will be watching United take on the scouse scum later though. Hopefully it won't be as bad as when we lost to shitty last weekend.

Listening to: Puddle Of Mudd - Come Clean
Back: Ok this morning but was really shit when we were out up town last night