Thursday, January 12, 2006

Pain sucks ass

Well, I'm in the office today cos I thought I'd better show my face after not coming in for a week and a half and my back is hurting like a bitch. Its further up than normal and I have pains in my neck and down my right arm. The physio at the hospital said she thinks its a trapped nerve in my upper back but hopes it isn't another slipped disc. The stupid thing is that she can't treat me for it because I wasn't referred to her with this problem so I'm seeing my quack tomorrow morning to get him to refer me back to the physio. How stupid is this NHS system!

I'm only gonna stay in work long enough to show off what I've been working on so that people think I'm actually doing something and then I'm going home for a nice hot bath to see if it helps my back.

The dog is doing well by the way.

Listening to: The dulcent tones of people in the office ;-)
Back: Shite